
At the beginning of a new millennium, the University of Guadalajara is a vigorous community, heir to an educational tradition forged along more than two centuries. To its University Centers located in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara and eight regions of Jalisco 280,297 students come every day to study in the 422 vocational, high school, undergraduate an graduate academic programs the University offers.
Our faculty is renowned as one of the most important in Mexico. The University of Guadalajara is a fundamental institution for the formation of high quality human resources and the production of scientific and technological knowledge that support the development of Jalisco. The cultural life and artistic wealth of the western region of Mexico could not be accounted for without the pioneering and unique contribution of the University of Guadalajara.
The purpose of this document is to familiarize the reader with our alma mater, its history, the plans for its development, its vision towards the future, its structure and organization, and some of the main achievements of its university centers and academic communities. Let it be a first approach, brief but to the point, that conveys most of all the principles and values that nourish the day-to-day activities of our students, our faculty, and our administrative staff.
Let it also be an introduction to what we are and what we can become: a higher education institution that makes a crucial contribution to be a better educated, more cultivated, more organized and with a more virtuous civic life, with a stronger economy and more democratic society, open to the accomplishment of knowledge here and the rest of the world.
University Network
University Centers
- Art, Architecture and Desing - CUAAD
- Biological and Agricultural Sciences - CUCBA
- Economic and Management Sciences - CUCEA
- Exact Sciences and Engineering - CUCEI
- Health Sciences - CUCS
- Social Sciences and Humanities - CUCSH
Regional University Centers
- Los Altos University Center - CUALTOS
- La Cienega University Center - CUCIENEGA
- Coast of Jalisco University Center - CUCOSTA
- Southern Coast of Jalisco University Center - CUCSUR
- Los Lagos University Center - CULAGOS
- Nothern Region University Center - CUNORTE
- Southern Region University Center - CUSUR
- Tonalá University Center - CUTONALÁ
- Los Valles University Center - CUVALLES Ir a sitio web
Education Systems