Southern Coast of Jalisco University Center
This University Center serves the southern part of the coast of Jalisco, from the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the central region of the state.
This region includes the municipalities of Atengo, Autlán de Navarro, Ayutla, Casimiro Castillo, Cihuatlán, Cuautitlán de García Barragan, Chiquilistlán, Cuautla, Ejutla, El Grullo, El Limón, Juchitlán, La Huerta, Villa de Purificación, Tecolotlán, Tenamaxtlán, Tonaya, Tuxcacuesco, and Unión de Tula.
It comprises two Divisions: Social and Economic Studies, and Regional Development, which contain eight Departments: Management Sciences, Accounting, Ecology and Natural Resources, Law Studies, Studies on Tourism, Engineering, Agricultural Production, and Studies on the Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas.
It offers 22 programs: 2 associate degree programs, 12 Bachelor’s degree, 7 Master’s, and a Ph. D. program.
CUCSUR currently has 3,007 students: 222 in the associate degree program, 2,650 in the Bachelor’s degree, 109 in the Master’s, and 26 in the Ph. D. program.
Its faculty totals 308 teachers, of whom 130 are full-time teachers and 77 are full-time research professors; 8 of these belong to the SNI.
CUCSUR’s library contains 20,983 titles in 38,385 volumes and 1,628 computers to support the work of its faculty and students.
Source: "University of Guadalajara: Tradition, Education, Achievement", Institutional Brochure ,October 2011