Virtual University System
The academic model of UDG VIRTUAL is centered on the student’s personality and learning style, an innovative mode required by an emerging knowledge-based society. This mode of learning relies on a self-managed, collaborative, meaningful, creative and forward-thinking approach to knowledge.
The website provides access to the university’s virtual environments through which the academic and student services associated with non-traditional learning programs are managed at distance and in a reliable manner.
UDG VIRTUAL’s five main goals are to offer high school, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs, to provide ongoing education programs, to train professors on innovation in education, to carry out research in this field, and to organize special activities of extension and cultural dissemination.
UDG VIRTUAL serves 3,721 students: 383 in middle education and 3,338 in Bachelor’s degree programs. Its faculty totals 477 teachers, 42 of whom are full-time teachers and 5 are full-time research professors. Two of them belong to the SNI.
Worthy of note among the services UDG VIRTUAL provides is the strengthening and development of the Communities of Distance Learning and Academic Services or CASA Universitaria program, a strategy for a better linkage with society and equality in the coverage of the university, based on facilities equipped for the access at distance to the educational services of the University of Guadalajara, using spaces provided by the local communities. There are currently 26 modules of CASA Universitaria operating in different communities in the municipalities of Jalisco.
To support its activities, UDG VIRTUAL has a virtual library with services, links to articles, publications, and a glossary of terms.
UDG VIRTUAL promotes and holds on a regular basis Lectures on Innovation in Education and an International Encounter on Distance Education, with the goal of enhancing and improving the exchange of experiences, research findings, and proposals for online, distance, and ongoing education.
It also has a library with 3,624 titles in 5,957 volumes, as well as 656 computers to support the work of its students and faculty.