High School Education System
The High School Education System of the University of Guadalajara provides educational programs in this category throughout a large part of the state of Jalisco, covering 61.7% of its municipalities.
The goals of the high school system are to offer training grounded on the latest developments in science, to develop logical thinking and a methodology that enables the students for critical and systematical self-study and a more efficient oral and written communication, according to the student’s psychological and biological stage of development, as well as to provide them with a civic education that allows them to know and exercise their rights and duties in a responsible manner and a basic education necessary to appreciate and enjoy the arts.
The SEMS’ central structure is its General Direction, 21 high schools and 3 high school modules in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, as well as 31 regional high schools and 66 modules which depend on them (an extension in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara and 27 extensions within the rest of Jalisco) in the different municipalities of the state.
The current number of students served by SEMS totals 120,211, of whom 110,280 study General High School (both in its classroom-centered and in its partially classroom-centered modes), 4,621 study Technical High School and 5,310 study different vocational programs.
The faculty of SEMS totals 5,204 teachers, 904 of whom are full-time teachers, 538 are part-time teachers, 3,762 teach specific subjects, 491 are full-time trainer technicians, and 236 are part-time trainer technicians. One of them belongs to the SNI.
The SEMS offers twenty-two programs: two General High School programs, eight Technical High School programs, and twelve different vocational programs.
Its 118 libraries contain 425,781 titles in 633,185 volumes, as well as 12,718 computers to support the educational activities of its students and faculty.